PERSIST(Σ): Women and Non-Binary People of Color in Engineering Initiative

PERSIST(Σ), guided by a counterspace framework (Solorzano & Villalpando, 1998), is an initiative at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), an HSI and four-year institution, that aims to create identity-affirming spaces to promote the participation and persistence of women and non-binary people of color in engineering at UIC. As a collaborative effort between Equity and Inclusion in Engineering Program, Women in Engineering Programs (WIEP), and the Women’s Resource and Leadership Center, PERSIST(Σ) creates brave spaces to support students to:
- validate each other’s experiences and knowledge;
- challenge and counter deficit notions;
- vent frustrations and share stories of isolation, microaggressions, or discrimination;
- build community, and
- celebrate their lives and accomplishments.
As the literature suggests, hostile campus climates are associated with students of color leaving STEM fields before reaching graduation. These barriers can be more pronounced for women and non-binary students of color, who often experience a ‘double bind’ of race and gender marginalization when navigating the STEM culture (Cross et al., 2017). So, it is imperative for academic institutions like UIC to learn about their experiences to empower them and confront systems of oppression.
Since 2016, WIEP has conducted outreach programs such as the Women in Engineering Summer Program and Girls Who Code for high school and college students at two-year institutions to enhance the pipeline of women in engineering and encourage their enrollment at UIC. However, we recognize that promoting their participation in these fields is not sufficient to ensure they will stay. Therefore, PERSIST(Σ) is a response to the need for UIC Engineering to proactively address the unique challenges that women and non-binary people of color encounter in these spaces.

PERSIST(Σ) Online Suggestion Box Heading link
We’re eager to hear your thoughts. Please share your feedback, suggest a topic, or propose an event. We aim to better serve and support you, so let us know how we can enhance your experience!
PERSIST(Σ) Events 2024-2025 Heading link
PERSIST(Σ) Events 2023-2024 Heading link

PERSIST(Σ): End of Semester Celebration! Spring 2024

PERSIST(Σ): We Are All Advocates: Preventing Harm and Supporting Survivors

PERSIST(Σ): Celebrate Galentine’s Day!

PERSIST(Σ): Women & Non-Binary Transfer Students of Color Roundtable Discussion

PERSIST(Σ): Spring 2024 Welcome!

PERSIST(Σ): End of Semester Celebration 2023

PERSIST(Σ): Sense of Belonging Social 2023

PERSIST(Σ): Equitizing the Voices of Women of Color in Engineering